In The News
(We are pleased as punch when the Media recognizes the work that we do)

jett’s tale
October 2015
Houston's Dog Culture Magazine
Submitted by Natalie Ripley

Jett is a 3-4 year old purebred, blacktri Australian Shepherd. He ended up in dire straits in a kill shelter in Oklahoma that has made it clear they are not interested in working with rescue groups.
The dogs are available first come, first serve to whomever presents the adoption fee of $20. Fortunately for Jett, a nonprofit rescue group, Australian Shepherds Furever (ASF) noticed him. Their representative in Oklahoma got him out of the shelter. Once ASF got him out of the shelter, they recognized many of the telltale signs of neglected dogs covered in fleas and ticks and with a scared, broken disposition, and signs specific to doublecoated dogs tons of mats and a coat of horrible condition.
But, they also recognized something unusual their vet confirmed that he had been shot in the mouth sometime before. As a result, he is missing about a third of his tongue and several teeth, including one of his bottom canines. The teeth were blown out on both sides of his mouth, both the left side where the bullet entered and the right side where it passed by.
ASF paid for Jett to undergo dental surgery to remove one more tooth that was damaged but still intact in his mouth. They also found out he had three kinds of tick diseases as a result of his infestation and lack of flea and tick preventative medicines. He stayed with a wonderful foster in Oklahoma who treated him for the tick diseases and worked on restoring him to health, both physically and emotionally.
I had followed ASF on Facebook for some time and when pictures of Jett were posted, his face and eyes spoke to me. I knew I wanted him to be part of our family. Fortunately, we were able to make that happen in July of this year.
He is such a joy to have around. He is the kindest, most gentle dog, who loves everyone and patiently tolerates all of our cats. It is amazing to me how anyone could ever inflict upon him the horrible harm he endured. It is equally amazing to me that despite it all, he loves people. A dog's heart and level of forgiveness is unmatched.
We are so very fortunate to have Jett as part of our family. We are forever thankful to ASF for making this happen and for helping so many other Australian Shepherds in need.

Area pet rescues struggling after apparent dog hoarding incident
Published:Monday, October 17th 2016, 5:24 pm EDT
Edited:Monday, October 17th 2016, 7:25 pm EDT
By Mary Coleman, Reporter CONNECT
Area animal rescue organizations are struggling to save nearly 30 dogs, after an apparent Amarillo hoarding incident.
At this time, Amarillo Animal management and Welfare say they cannot comment, as the investigation into the case in ongoing, however there is no doubt the incident is putting a strain on those who work to keep animals safe.
Frisco and Sissy are just two of nearly thirty dogs rescued from an apparent hoarding situation at this house last week. And AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERDS FUREVER foster Mary Brown is fostering them for the time being.
"From what the animal control officer told me, it has been going on for a while and they've had several dogs come from that house," says Brown.
Though the investigation continues, area rescue organizations are putting their blood,sweat and tears into getting the dogs adopted, fostered or transported. There were both puppies and older dogs seized from the home.
"They all needed care," says Brown. "Some with mange, one with demodex, all the puppies were wormy and miserable, bloated bellies, ticks and fleas covered."
When we visited the home the animals were taken from, the owner told me she, "wanted all of the animals gone" and would not comment further. In the window, multiple dogs could still be seen.
APD tells us city ordinance states you can have up to four adult animals and anything over that is a violation.
"These are people that not should be euthanized, but should definitely be held accountable and held responsible."
Now, groups who are helping with the hoarded dogs are asking for funds and support getting all the dogs to people who will take good care of them. We will keep you updated on how this case progresses, as the investigation continues.
If you would like to help, you can contact some groups involved at the following links:
Donations are welcomed.
Copyright 2016 KFDA. All rights reserved.

Pilots N Paws delivers pets to new owners through air travel

Piper watches as a plane lands that flew her to her new home through the Pilots N Paws Program
Photo provided by Jane Graham
Karen Blackledge
Jul 10, 2017
DANVILLE — Through the volunteer efforts of a Danville area woman and a New York pilot, an Australian Shepherd arrived at her new home in Vermont.
The owner of Piper had given her up to Australian Shepherds Furever with Jane Graham, of the Danville area, picking up the 2-year-old dog in Ohio involving a five-hour trip one way. Piper had grown up with 10 foster kids in Ohio.
The owner of three Australian Shepherds, Graham has been volunteering to foster dogs in her home with the Furever group for about a year.
A man in Vermont saw Piper posted online while he was looking for a dog for his 12-year-old son with special needs. "He wanted pictures sent daily of her and my dogs and my daughter," said Graham, which she did.
After he decided to adopt her, Graham needed to get a special health certificate for her so Piper could be flown.
She was notified the day before of the flight and quickly called Alpine Animal Clinic, of Danville, to get her the shots and needed health certificate, which were paid for by the rescue.
The next day, Graham drove Piper to the Hazleton Airport where she was picked up by pilot Dean Chenarides, of Fishkill, N.Y., and co-pilot Bob Johnson.
"That was quite a ways," Chenardies said of the flight from Hazleton to Burlington, Vt.
"Two hours later, she was off the plane with her new family. I still hear from him. He said Piper was perfect for his son," Graham said of the dog that loves bananas as treats and her new home is near cows.
Chenarides, who has been volunteering with Pilots N Paws and flying animal rescue missions with other rescues for 10 years, said the majority of his riders tend to be dogs, although he has flown cats and "every now and then a duck or another bird."
Based at Hudson Valley Regional Airport, he will fly within a 300-mile radius with some dogs originating in South Carolina, Georgia, Pennsylvania and Kentucky.
"I will meet a connecting pilot who picked up at an originating location and meets me in a kind of pony express transfer," he said.
He recently piloted four puppies and two adult dogs from Martinsburg, W. Va., to Sussex, N.J., and 10 puppies from Leesburg, Va. to Poughkeepsie, N.Y.
The animals ride comfortably on bedding in crates with plenty of air in his four-passenger Piper Cherokee which has a large baggage area and a back seat.
"They usually fall asleep within 10 minutes in the air," he said
He got involved after flying angel missions for people with medical problems who couldn't afford the transportation.
The dog lover this year has been flying more animal missions than flights carrying people.

Jane Graham and pilot Dean Chenarides stand in front of the plane that transported Piper from Hazleton to her new home in Vermont.
Photo provided by Jane Graham
"Much of it has to do with the day of the week the request is made and with the weather," said the pilot who retired in 2013 and drives school bus part-time in New York.
"My friends have nicknamed me the transporter," he said.
He signs up for flights online. "It is fairly sophisticated where I put my parameters and profile and, when somebody requests a flight, they put up a post that automatically links me to see if I am available," said Chenarides, who gets about 20 requests a week.
In the summer, he flies about three times a week.
When school is in session, he is limited to flying pets on weekends.
Graham, who has volunteered with rescues and delivered a dog as far as North Carolina, said the Pilots N Paws pilots were awesome.
"I'm grateful to Pilots N Paws," she said.
"When people say volunteerism is down, I'd say that's not true. We are all just now volunteering in far different ways," she said.

So far, she has fostered three dogs through Australian Shepherds Furever. The rescue will send her a picture of the prospective foster dog. Graham responds with questions, such as if the dog gets along well with kids and other dogs.
Her newest foster is a female puppy Australian shepherd-border collie named Ice from Texas. She picked her up through a shuttle rescue in Harrisburg.
"I heard five more pups will be coming," she said.
The rescue will post them along with their other dogs available for adoption.
Graham enjoys the breed because they are active and can go mountain biking and running with her.
Email comments to Follow Karen on Twitter @KLBlackledge.
Ice is the new puppy Jane Graham, of Danville, is fostering.
Photo provided by Jane Graham
Memphis on HLN Atlanta
Jennifer Sapp our Foster in Newnan, GA took a chance and sent the cutest video of Memphis - her foster pup to Morning Express - Head Line News in Atlanta hoping she might get featured on the Purina Pet Moment.. And Guess What... They loved little Memphis.. Just click to watch the cutest video you will see all week!